(855) 345-6161

Plumbing emergencies can be extremely stressful, causing damage to your home and racking up expenses quickly. Knowing the most common plumbing emergencies can help you to anticipate and deal with them more effectively when/if they do occur.

  1. Overflowing Toilet. A clogged toilet can quickly overflow when flushed, leading to unsanitary issues and immense water damage. To avoid an overflowing toilet, never flush any product aside from toilet paper. Paper towels, tissues, wrappers and even baby wipes can all easily clog your plumbing and cause your toilet to overflow. If you do experience this common plumbing emergency, find and turn off the water supply valve beneath the toilet tank to prevent more water from entering the bowl.
  2. Blocked Drains. If reaching into your shower or tub to pull out hair and debris isn’t your thing, don’t worry! Blocked drains are never fun, but in most cases, store-bought drain cleaner will do the trick. If, after a few drain cleaner attempts, you aren’t able to remove the blockage yourself, it may be time to call your local BelRed experts for a drain cleaning before this small issue turns into a full-blown emergency.
  3. Burst Pipes. Many homes have pipes that are located near the surface or even above ground. If temperatures get too low, the water in these pipes can freeze and cause them to burst. Be sure to cover above ground pipes with towels during cold spells to prevent freezing. If you do experience a burst pipe, quickly turn off your home’s main water supply and run cold water in your home until the existing supply runs out, then give BelRed a call to get the problem solved as soon as possible.
  4. Broken Water Heater. From water that’s too cold or too hot to water that has a strange odor, water heater malfunctions are never something to look forward to. Flushing your water tank may solve color and odor problems as well as improve the heater’s efficiency, but if you notice a leak, it’s time to call the experts for a water heater repair!

If you experience any of the above plumbing emergencies, the experts at BelRed are here to help! We are proud to specialize in plumbing servicesair duct cleaningheating and cooling repair and more! Contact us today.


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