(855) 345-6161

Whether it’s the dead of summer or the first bloom of spring, your air conditioning (AC) system is essential to keeping your home comfortable.

However, like any other piece of tech, it’s not immune to problems. Fortunately, many AC problems can be quickly identified and resolved if you know what to look for.

From insufficient cooling to odd noises and even refrigerant leaks, this guide will help you troubleshoot common issues and get your AC system back up and running.

And when things get too tricky, there’s no need to fret! Expert AC repair, installation, and maintenance services from BelRed are just a call away.

Dial (855) 345-6161 today to book an appointment!

Common AC Problems and How to Fix Them

Air conditioners face several issues, especially those of older makes and models. Some of the most common problems homeowners face include:

  • Insufficient Cooling
  • Odd Noises
  • Airflow Complications
  • Refrigerant Leaks
  • Thermostat Glitches
  • AC Not Turning On
  • AC Turns Off Too Frequently
  • Unpleasant Odors

Keep reading to find out how you can address each problem.

1. Insufficient Cooling

So, your AC is on, but the air isn’t as cool as it should be, or it’s not cooling at all.

Possible Causes:

  • Low refrigerant levels: Your AC needs refrigerant to remove heat and humidity from the air. If the refrigerant level is low, the system won’t cool effectively.
  • Dirty air filter: Over time, the filter accumulates dust and debris, obstructing the airflow and making the AC work harder, which could lead to insufficient cooling.
  • Frozen evaporator coil: This could happen if the airflow is blocked due to a dirty air filter or other issues.

Solution Steps:

  1. Check Your Thermostat: Make sure your thermostat is set to “cool” and the temperature setting is lower than the current room temperature.
  2. Inspect the Air Filter: If your air filter is dirty, replace it with a new one. This simple step can greatly enhance your AC’s cooling performance.
  3. Inspect the Outdoor Unit: Ensure that there’s no debris blocking the outdoor unit and it has adequate clearance on all sides for proper air circulation.
  4. Call an AC Repair Service: If these steps don’t resolve the issue, your AC may have low refrigerant levels or a frozen evaporator coil, both of which require professional attention.

Contact a professional AC repair service like BelRed for prompt and expert help.

2. Odd Noises

If your AC is producing strange noises like rattling, buzzing, or squealing, it’s a clear indicator that something may be wrong with your unit.

Possible Causes:

  • Loose parts: Over time, screws and other components can loosen, causing your AC to make rattling noises.
  • Motor issues: A failing motor can produce humming or buzzing noises.
  • Fan blade problems: If the fan blades are bent or out of balance, they could create scraping or squealing sounds.

Solution Steps:

  1. Turn Off Your AC: To avoid further damage, switch off your system as soon as you notice any strange noise.
  2. Inspect the Outdoor Unit: Check if there’s any loose debris inside the unit that might be causing the noise.
  3. Call an AC Repair Service: If the noises persist, it could be due to a more serious issue like a failing motor or a problem with the fan blades. These issues need expert hands.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to BelRed’s AC repair team.

3. Airflow Complications

There may also be instances when your AC isn’t circulating air as efficiently as it once did.

Possible Causes:

  • Dirty air filter: A clogged filter can inhibit airflow, causing the AC to circulate less air.
  • Ductwork issues: If the ducts are leaking or blocked, it could prevent the AC from efficiently distributing air.
  • Broken fan motor: If the fan motor is not working properly, it could hinder the AC’s ability to circulate air.

Solution Steps:

  1. Change the Air Filter: Replace your air filter every 1-3 months depending on usage. This can significantly improve your AC’s airflow.
  2. Inspect Air Vents: Make sure all your air vents are open and unblocked to ensure proper air circulation.
  3. Call for Professional Help: If the airflow issue persists, it may be due to more complicated problems like issues with your ductwork or a broken fan motor. These issues need a professional diagnosis.

BelRed specializes in all aspects of AC repair, including ductwork and fan motor issues.

4. Refrigerant Leaks

Is there water pooling around your AC, or is it not cooling effectively? It could be a sign of a refrigerant leak.

Possible Causes:

  • Cracked or rusted refrigerant lines: If these lines get damaged, they could cause refrigerants to leak.
  • Damaged coil drain pan: If the drain pan is damaged or rusted, it could cause water to leak from your AC.

Solution Steps:

  1. Inspect Your AC for Visible Leaks: If you spot any signs of leaking, it’s important to take action immediately.
  2. Call an AC Repair Service: Refrigerant leaks can be dangerous and should be addressed by a professional. BelRed has expert technicians who can safely handle refrigerant leaks and repair or replace necessary parts.

Contact us at (855) 345-6161 today for immediate, expert assistance.

5. Thermostat Glitches

If your AC isn’t responding to the thermostat settings, there could be a glitch somewhere in the system.

Possible Causes:

  • Faulty thermostat: If your thermostat is malfunctioning, it might not properly regulate your AC’s functions.
  • Thermostat calibration issues: If the thermostat isn’t calibrated correctly, it may not control the AC as expected.

Solution Steps:

  1. Check Thermostat Batteries: Replace the batteries if they’re dead.
  2. Check the Thermostat Settings: Ensure the thermostat is set to “cool” and the temperature is lower than the current room temperature.
  3. Call a Professional: If the thermostat still isn’t working correctly after you conduct DIY repairs, call a professional.

BelRed provides expert thermostat troubleshooting, repair, and installation services.

6. AC Not Turning On

Another common issue that homeowners often face is an AC that doesn’t turn on. There are several reasons why this happens.

Possible Causes:

  • Tripped circuit breaker: A power surge or overload could trip the circuit breaker, causing your AC to not power on.
  • Faulty thermostat: If the thermostat isn’t working, it may not send the signal to turn on the AC.
  • Damaged wiring: If the AC’s wiring is damaged, it may prevent the system from receiving power.

Solution Steps:

  1. Check Your Circuit Breaker: If it’s tripped, reset it and try turning on your AC again.
  2. Check the Thermostat Settings: Make sure the thermostat is set to “cool” and the temperature is lower than the current room temperature.
  3. Call a Professional: If these steps don’t help, call a professional. You may have a more serious problem such as faulty wiring. BelRed’s professionals can diagnose and resolve such issues effectively.

7. AC Turns Off Too Frequently

Your AC keeps turning on and off frequently, a problem known as short cycling.

Possible Causes:

  • Oversized AC: If your AC is too big for your home, it could cool the area quickly and shut off, then turn back on again when the temperature rises.
  • Dirty air filter: A clogged filter can cause the AC to overheat and shut down prematurely.
  • Low refrigerant: If the refrigerant level is low, it could cause the AC to short cycle.

Solution Steps:

  1. Change the Air Filter: A clean air filter can improve the AC’s performance and prevent short cycling.
  2. Check Your Thermostat: Ensure the thermostat is set to “cool” and the temperature setting is correct.
  3. Call a Professional: If your AC is still short cycling, you may need professional help. Whether it’s addressing refrigerant levels or replacing an oversized unit, BelRed can handle it all.

Call us at (855) 345-6161 for more details.

8. Unpleasant Odors

Nobody wants their homes smelling like mildew or wet socks. If you’re noticing unpleasant odors coming from your AC, there could be something wrong with the unit.

Possible Causes:

  • Mold or mildew in the ductwork: If moisture accumulates in the ducts, it can lead to mold growth which can cause a musty smell.
  • Burnt-out motor or wiring: If a motor burns out or wiring overheats, it could produce a burning smell.

Solution Steps:

  1. Change the Air Filter: A fresh filter can help reduce odors.
  2. Check for Signs of Mold: Inspect the visible parts of your ductwork and around your indoor unit for signs of mold.
  3. Call a Professional: If you still notice unpleasant odors, it’s time to call in the professionals. BelRed’s expert technicians can inspect your system, identify the source of the odors, and recommend the best course of action.

Book an inspection today by calling (855) 345-6161 or leaving us a message.

Finding Comfort with Simple Fixes

Many AC problems can be fixed with simple steps, but always remember that there’s no substitute for professional service when the situation calls for it.

Whether it’s AC repair, installation, or maintenance services, companies like BelRed are there to ensure your comfort and peace of mind. Remember, catching problems early can save time, money, and avoid discomfort.

Keep Your AC in Tip-Top Shape with BelRed!

When it comes to the comfort of your home, don’t settle for anything less than the best.

At BelRed, we’re committed to providing top-notch AC repair, installation, and maintenance services that you can rely on.

Our team of skilled technicians is equipped to diagnose and fix any AC problem you might be facing, ensuring that you and your family enjoy a comfortable, cool environment all year round.

We don’t just fix problems – we offer solutions that last. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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