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If you’ve encountered a burning smell coming out of your furnace, there’s no need to panic. There are a handful of common reasons this could happen, and most of them aren’t anything to worry about. Still, this doesn’t mean that smells are something you should ignore.

Regardless of the type of heating and cooling system you own, unusual smells should never be disregarded since they might indicate that something isn’t functioning correctly. This should always be enough to warrant a call to your local HVAC specialist for a checkup.

Nevertheless, this guide will outline the different kinds of burning smells from your furnace and the possible reasons for each. We’ve also included helpful things you can do to troubleshoot and resolve the issue before it becomes a problem.

10 Common Kinds of Burning Smells From Your Furnace

Whenever furnaces emit fumes, it’s crucial to figure out what kind of burning smell they produce. Different things cause different odors, and getting to the root of the problem is the starting point of all troubleshooting pursuits.

1. Burning Dust Smell

If you smell something like burning dust coming from your furnace, this is completely normal. This is common at the beginning of winter when you’re turning the furnace on after many months of dormancy.

Dust can settle on every part of your furnace, from the burner to the heat exchanger. It is not a cause for concern and typically goes away after a few hours of using your furnace.

If you’re uncomfortable with the smell and don’t want to wait, you can try vacuuming all the vents and air ducts. Turn it back on afterward to see if it exhumes the same smell.

2. Burning Metal Smell

If you’re smelling a pungent, acrid odor that smells like burning metal, there’s a good chance that your furnace motor is overheating. This can be caused by either a malfunctioning blower motor or an obstruction in the ductwork—but whatever the cause, it needs to be addressed quickly.

Turn the furnace off and call a technician immediately. Make sure to inform your family members of the problem, so they don’t turn the machine back on before the technician arrives.

3. Burning Plastic or Rubber Smell

If your electric furnace smells like burning plastic or rubber, it might be due to an electrical issue. This odor is produced by melting or, in severe cases, burning plastic wire casings. Needless to say, this is a safety hazard.

An electrical burning smell could also indicate that you have an overheated blower motor or that the heat exchanger is damaged. The heat exchanger effectively removes carbon monoxide produced during the burning process.

Carbon monoxide may flow into your house if this part of the machine is fractured. In high amounts, this invisible gas is lethal. Therefore, it is critical to have an HVAC expert perform regular furnace maintenance and make sure you have functional carbon monoxide detectors.

4. Rotten Egg Smell

If you notice a strong smell of rotten eggs coming from your furnace, there’s a good chance that you have a problem with the gas. In this case, turn the furnace off as well as the main gas valve.

If you’re lucky, it’s just a gas leak—but if it’s not, something more serious is going on. Either way, this should be investigated immediately.

Natural gas is odorless, and that smell is added so it’s easier to detect leaks and prevent them. If the gas is escaping, a frayed pipe might need addressing. This can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if left untreated for long periods.

Although at risk of sounding like a broken record here, we want to advise you to call your HVAC technician when you encounter this smell. Call the gas company if you feel like the gas leak is coming from the pipes and not from the furnace.

5. Sewage Smells

If there is a sewage smell coming from your furnace, it could be because there is water leaking into the ductwork from a broken pipe or another source. This can lead to mold growth in your ductwork, which can cause serious health problems if it goes unchecked for too long. If you notice this problem early enough, your trusted plumber might be able to fix the source and eliminate the sewage smell.

6. Burning Moldy Smell

That burning, musty smell that comes from your furnace can be a sign of a bigger problem, especially if you live in an older home. The odor is caused by mold growing in the ductwork or around the heating system.

If your home has low humidity, the air in your ducts can become stagnant, which allows mold to grow inside those ducts and vents. To prevent this, make sure your home is well-maintained and adequately ventilated. Keep windows open if possible.

If you notice this smell, it’s best to get in touch with a professional cleaner who will eliminate growing molds and take measures to ensure the problem does not recur.

7. Burning Chemical Smell

This is perhaps the most dangerous smell to come out of your furnace. If this happens, please call for professional help right away. If the odor is unmistakably chemical and comparable to formaldehyde’s, there is most likely a severe break in the heat exchanger section of your furnace.

If this equipment fails, the risk of fire increases substantially. It might also spread carbon monoxide emissions throughout your home.

8. Burning Hair Smells

If you have pets, you probably know they shed a lot of hair. This can get into your furnace and cause it to overheat and even emit smoke.

Vacuuming the vents should resolve this issue. And to prevent it from happening again, you should consider vacuuming pet hairs more regularly.

9. Smoky Burning Smell

If you’ve noticed a smoky burning smell from your furnace, it could be caused by a blocked chimney. The purpose of the flue is to draw air up through the furnace and out into the atmosphere.

But if a chimney is clogged, it can cause smoke to come back into the ductwork and build up inside your house. Chimneys can get blocked by bird nests, leaves, or other debris. If you notice a burning smell coming from your furnace, check to see if there are any birds or animals nesting in or around your chimney.

10. Burning Gunpowder Smell

If you smell burning gunpowder, it could be caused by an overheated circuit board or motor. This could result from poor maintenance, failing parts, or a poor air supply to the furnace.

Once this happens, the only remedy is to call your local HVAC technician for furnace repair and have these parts replaced. It’s important to keep your furnace clean and well-maintained to avoid this problem from recurring.

What to Do When You Encounter Burning Smells From Your Furnace?

The next time you notice a burning smell from your furnace, take a few seconds to determine what it smells like. For whatever reason that there is an unusual smell coming out of it, always turn it off before you go around trying to troubleshoot.

Call a reliable company to have the problem solved by an experienced HVAC professional. In case it isn’t possible to call a tech at the time you encounter a burning smell, here is how you should proceed:

  1. Look for active fire or heavy smoke.

    If you see an active fire or an unusually heavy amount of smoke coming out of your furnace, call 911 immediately and get out of the house.

  2. Inspect the furnace for burnt parts.

    When the furnace has been turned off for a while, check the equipment and any adjacent items for evidence of burns or melts to determine the degree and location of the damage.

  3. Clean the Air Filter

    If the air filter is clogged up with dust and debris, the furnace won’t be able to do its job properly and will start to give off a burning smell. Some filters need professional cleaning services, but others are relatively manageable to clean on your own.

Your HVAC System Needs Regular Maintenance

When you’re in your home, you take for granted that the air around you is clean, fresh, and safe. But the HVAC system that keeps your family breathing easy is a complicated one!

The key to keeping your HVAC system functioning effectively is periodic maintenance. If you neglect routine checkups and inspections, problems can start creeping in. Enter BelRed!

Look No Further Than BelRed

BelRed is a full-service heating and cooling company specializing in furnaces installation and maintenance. We are also adept at all other HVAC-related services, including heat pump, air purifier, and AC repair.

We’ll inspect your system and make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible so that you can breathe easily, knowing the air around your family is clean and safe.

We have been helping homeowners in the Mukilteo area maintain their heating systems for over 35 years.

Call (855) 345-6161

Our team of experts can provide you with a quote on any service we offer. Call us today at (855) 345-6161 to find out more!

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